Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Next meeting: Saturday, August 10, 2019

Rainbow Uncial Lettering

Martha Cole will be teaching “rainbow uncial,” which she describes as her own whimsical, not-historically-accurate, “uncial-inspired” hand with a fun color-mixing technique she learned from Carol Dubosch.

Martha has been lettering since she was a teenager. She loves learning new hands, especially quirky broad-edge alphabets. Her favorite calligraphers include Tim Botts, Carol Dubosch, and Carrie Imai. She has been a member of the Austin Capital City Scribes since 2011, and a member of the WCG since 2018. She is currently President of the Capital City Scribes.

·         6 mm (or 3.8 mm) Parallel pen (Martha will have some extras to borrow as well as some new-in-box to purchase. If you are bringing your own, please remove the cartridge and rinse out the pen as we will use it as a dip pen.)
·         Winsor & Newton calligraphy ink in Dark Blue and Yellow Ochre (MC Arts is ordering some bottles), or 2 of your favorite water-soluble inks that mix well
·         two pipettes and a six-well plastic paint palette
·         graph paper                                                       

Martha will bring plenty of ink and extra supplies to share.

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