Sunday, September 1, 2024

Next Meeting: Saturday, September 14, 2024

Fun Card Fold

The September program will be a fun card fold, presented by WCG member Beth Pristash. We will be making an infinity card that will fit into a standard envelope. The photo to the right shows two size variations.

Below is a list of supplies to bring to the meeting. Beth will have a couple of paper trimmers and Tombow glue to share. She will also bring the cardstock and paper to decorate the cards.

These could be a great start for the envelope exchange cards, special occasion cards, or holiday cards. The possibilities are infinite!

Supplies to bring:

·         craft mat or old magazine to glue on

·         bone folder (optional)

·         adhesive - you will need a strong adhesive for the card base like Elmer’s Glue All or Tombow Mono Multi XL Liquid glue

·          paper trimmer

·         12” ruler

·         scoring tool

·         pencil/eraser

·         favorite lettering tools 

Parking: Due to church activities, we will need to park on the right side of the building, away from Valley Mills Drive, and come in the other side sanctuary door.  Handicap space will still be available at the back of the church. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Next meeting: Saturday, August 10, 2024


Envelopes at August meeting

In August Suzi Ickes will teach about envelopes. We will start with standard USPS sizes and branch out from there, including folding your own envelope and ideas for creating different layouts. I’ll have envelopes to display and feel free to bring some you have received. 

Supply List:

Pencil, eraser

6” ruler (transparent with grid if you have one)     

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Next meeting: Saturday, July 13, 2024


Next meeting:
Saturday, July 13, 2024; 10:00 a.m.
Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, Waco, Texas and Zoom

(In Person and on ZOOM! link is in email to members)
Angie Vangalis will introduce us to a very common and popular calligraphy hand: Italic. As we journey through time with our lettering styles (first Romans, then Uncial, and now Italic) our timeline is to the Renaissance, when beautiful and graceful were the desired characteristics. With our 5.0 Zig markers we will learn the basic strokes that make up all the letters and then how to put them together. Once the basic strokes are mastered, Italic letters will flow out of your hand (with some practice!). Francis still has some markers for sale for $2.50 before the program. Or be sure to bring your 5.0 Zig marker and a pencil.

If you wish to stay home, or for those out of town, join in on Zoom on your computer screen. The link is in the email with this newsletter.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Next meeting: Saturday, June 8, 2024

Meeting at 10 am at
Saint Matthew Lutheran Church in Waco



Uncial is another historic hand, with Greek and Latin examples dating back to the 4th century (Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus being two well-known manuscripts written in uncial) and variations of it found in many parts of the western world over several centuries. One particular variation, half uncial or insular majuscule, is found in the Book of Kells, and as a result, there remains a strong association between the Celtic nations and uncial lettering.

In June, Jeanne Dittmann will lead us step-by-step through the uncial alphabet. Uncial is a majuscule (all-capitals) hand which is characteristically very wide and rounded, with minimal ascenders and descenders. There are many modern variations of this hand, and the one Jeanne will be teaching is her own version based on instruction she’s had with Timothy Botts and other broad-edged calligraphers over the years.

The broad-edged experience you gained in last month’s program on Romans will lead nicely into this month’s practice, but if you weren’t there, this is an excellent beginner’s hand. Please bring your 5mm Zig calligraphy marker (more will be available for purchase at the meeting, in case you need another color!) and everything else will be provided. Jeanne will also make PDFs available after the program so that you can print more practice pages at home.