Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Next meeting: Saturday, March 9 at 10:00am

Perfecting Pointed Pen  

Presented by Jane Stanfield and Karon Wheeless

The pointed nib is one of several types of calligraphy writing tools, but this one creates the thicks and thins based on adjusting your writing pressure with a pointed and split nib.  The March program will be divided in two groups depending on your experience:  

Group 1: will be those with previous pointed pen experience (led by Karon Wheeless), and we will be exploring variations to create different pointed pen styles.  Besides experimenting, each person will also write a phrase or short quote on a bookmark.  Group 1 supplies:  favorite pointed nib and holder, favorite black ink or black gouache, 2-4-word phrase or quote, rag or paper towels, and a water cup.  Practice paper and bookmarks will be furnished.

Group 2:  will be dedicated to those who have little or no experience in lettering with a pointed pen (led by Jane Stanfield).  Jane will cover pointed pen basics of preparing the nib and positioning it in the oblique pen holder, and then will introduce the basic pen strokes. There will be exemplars and tips on ink, paper, suppliers, and helpful websites.  Supplies for Group 2:  ink in a small container, tape to secure ink to table, container for water, wiping rag, cutting matt or tablet to use as a cushion to write on.  If you are in the “no experience” group, we will have a pointed pen and pen holder for you.  If you are in the “little experience” group and already own a pointed pen such as, but not limited to, the Nikko G or Tachikawa G, but feel you want to begin with the basics, you will be in Group 2.  Paper to practice on will be supplied.

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